3D Printing

Who am I?

Jeremy Guillette

Instructional Technologist

FAS Academic Technology

What is this?


Basic Mechanics

there is a hot glue gun thing*

Diagram showing the parts of a 3D printer that the plastic filament goes through. A stepper motor pushes the filament through a heat sink and into a hot end, from which it extrudes.
Source: Leapfrog 3D Printers



The hot glue gun moves in three-dimensional space

Image of a computer rendering of a Prusa i3 mk3 3d printer

gravity exists

In summary:

We need to tell the printer how much to move each motor to print an object, taking into account logistical limitations

3d models

bounded shapes

images of four 3d rabbit models composed of triangles, with increasing numbers of triangles in each image.

Common file formats



List of 3d file formats

Modeling software

  • Blender (FOSS)
  • Meshlab (FOSS)
  • Fusion 360



  • Import model
  • Check material, layer height, and infill
  • Export gcode


  • Import model
  • Adjust model position, rotation, and scale
  • Add support options
  • Check material, layer height, and infill
  • Export gcode

Stare into the abyss


Where can I find cool 3d models?

What about other kinds of 3D printers?

Formlabs has a pretty good guide on the three main 3D printing technologies: FDM, SLA and SLS.

What about 3d printed guns?

This Wired article is the most informative that I've read on the topic, and this Ars Technica article that draws from it has some additional context.

Do you have a series of links from a high-velocity course on digital manufacturing?

The 3D printing and scanning page from the MIT course "How to make almost anything" is heavy on links, light on context, and a useful reference for a wide variety of 3d tech.